Saturday, 19 October 2013

Location of Media Consumption

In this graph I have made, you can clearly see that my mum and I use media in similar places around the home. We both had the same amount of media used in the kitchen in our house, and we are only one hour apart at the Levings School of Dance studios, this is because when my mum has a break or someone else comes in to teach she can use her iPhone, were as I dance mostly every class .And Avril (mum) her highest area of media consumption was in her bedroom, this occurs because that is were her main Mac book Computer is set up, filled with everyone from her schools email addresses, the particular week she was doing her log, she was on the computer a lot sending out plenty of emails and answering about new inquirers to start dancing for term 4, so she was very busy on her computer and her portable Mac book Pro also which is situated mostly in her bedroom.
My highest media consumption was in the lounge room, because not only do i use my iPhone and Mac book in there, but I watch Home And Away in there on the TV, but i usually if I miss it on TV, i watch it on demand on my Mac book air.
Avril obviously does not go to school so she is evidently not going to use any media at school.

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